Hey guys long time no talk huh? Sorry about that but life can get crazy sometimes as I'm sure you all know. Especially around that holiday time!
Speaking of which ...
Happy Halloween!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Merry Christmas!
Happy New Year!
Alright all caught up haha!
Really though I do hope you guys all had the best holidays and have thoroughly enjoyed this first week of 2019!
So you know how everyone is talking about having a specific, inspiring word for the new year?
Neither did I.
I didn't even know this was even a thing until the other day to be totally honest haha.
But I now have a word myself!
So here's my word ...
Now let me explain!
I don't mean selfish in a rude, self-absorbed, egotistical kind of way, I mean selfish in a healthy way.
How many of you are people pleasers?
How many of you are "Yes-ers"? Aka you say "Yes" to everything and end up in over your head constantly?
How many of you are being pulled in twenty different directions all the time taking care of everybody else except YOU?
Do you see where I'm going with this?
I know for a fact I have a really, REALLY hard time telling people no when they ask me to do something or ask me for help.
Now don't get me wrong, I absolutely LOVE to help out my friends and I love everything I get to do with/for my kids but sometimes I get overwhelmed simply because I lack the ability to say a very simple word ... NO.
Part of my "Selfish in 2019" philosophy is to just nicely decline people when I feel like I need to.
Doesn't sound so hard right?
*insert heavy, nervous breathing here*
I mean it guys it really does make me nervous to think about turning people down or possibly having others be upset with me for it.
(Quick note: If people get mad at you for sticking up for yourself and your mental health than they are NOT the people for you.)
I love doing things for people but I just can't keep spreading myself so thin that I'm not giving myself the love I deserve.
Does that make sense?
Jeez I hope so.
I know a few people who struggle with this themselves so I'm hoping by writing this post I'll be able to persuade some of you selfless ladies to become SELFISH ladies for 2019.
Now I'm not saying you should drop all of your commitments like hot potatoes but if you're more stressed out by your commitments than fulfilled by them maybe it's time to reevaluate.
If you're a mom and you're thinking "Yeah I barely have time to take a potty break alone." I hear you!
But this is where the work on your part comes in.
Work on making time for yourself the same way you work on making time for the kids.
You've got movie night with them on Friday? Then on wednesday (or whenever) have them go to bed a half hour early and you get a glass of wine (Tea? Coffee? Soda? Any beverage!) and enjoy some time to yourself doing whatever YOU want to do.
As moms we do everything for our kids, our home, our jobs, our spouse/significant other but rarely do we do everything we need to do for us.
Am I right?
Don't you think you deserve some time to just fill your own cup?
To reward yourself and love on yourself and speak words of encouragement over yourself the same way you do to your children?
Think about that for a second?
Think of all the nice things you tell your kids. How you don't bash them when they mess up, but instead reenforce their confidence with words of affirmation. How you snuggle them and tell them you love them everyday.
Imagine the difference we could create if we loved on ourselves the same way.
Think about it.
And don't you think that maybe you'd be a much better mother, wife, employee if you were pouring from an overflowing cup rather than a half full or empty one?
Long story short ladies...
Do it for you, so that you may rise up and thrive in every other aspect of your life.
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