Welcome to our family!

Welcome, and thanks for coming to have a look at my page! I figure I'll take a second to introduce myself and my little family a little bit before jumping into all the fun stuff I have planned to share with you all! Obviously, I'm Jazmin, and my love of creating a home goes far past just an interest in decorating, cooking or anything like that. I have a true passion, a deep burning passion, for creating a loving, cozy, welcoming environment for not only my family, but friends as well. When someone steps into my home, I want them to immediately feel comfortable. The same comfort you would feel in say, your parents house after moving out or visiting your favorite relative or best friend! I want my guests to feel warm and loved, "mi casa es su casa" so to speak haha! 

*Here's my living room at the beginning of october! See those sofas? would you believe me if I said I have two toddlers, a black dog that sheds like the dickens and two maine coon cats?! How about if I said on top of all that, we do actually use these sofas every single day (dog sneakishly sleeps on them at night and cats use them during the day as well) to watch movies, cuddle and even build forts!? We even eat meals on them sometimes *gasp!*! I'll share my secret to keeping them clean in a later post ... stay tuned!

Aside from creating a home, I also homeschool my two kids! My four year old daughter, Kimberly & two year old son, James!

I've really been having a great time getting my toes wet with preschool homeschool! Don't get me wrong, some days I'm so tired I physically hurt, but I do consider it a huge blessing to be able to keep my kids home and watch every milestone unfold, friendships form, and witness them learning things first hand. I even like to see the inevitable squabbles that occur amongst the kids, I like seeing them resolve their issues or run to me for help when they need it. Now, if you're thinking of homeschooling, or are currently homeschooling and would be interested in a post on tips/advice I'd love to share that with you! Mind you, I'm no expert by any means but I have picked up some awesome info along the way so far and I'm just as passionate about creating the village as I am about creating a home! So, feel free to ask me any questions! 

I'm going to take a second here to gush over my amazing husband so bear with me! 
*Here we are on a date day we had a few weeks ago!

Now, you may be wondering how it is I'm able to stay home with my kids and do the things that I do. Well, It's all thanks to this guy right here! My greasy, grimey, mechanic husband is the sole provider for our family and I'm super thankful to have caught the eye of such a hard working, loving man! We met on his first day of 9th grade (my first day of 10th) at our bus stop. According to him it was love at first sight haha but I wasn't interested and never even agreed to go on an actual date with him until after I was already graduated! We were the best of friends through school, I introduced him to people as my brother actually haha but he always told me that one day we'd be married, we'd have kids, etc. I thought he was nuts! Even then he was a hard working guy, working at his family's mechanic/body shop after school and on weekends, and if you ever caught him at a party he was the guy walking around asking people if they needed a safe ride home. I was the complete opposite, much more free spirited and a little crazy. But after our first official date I was hooked. I saw him in a different light and realized what I had been missing all those years. We were married in Disney World, which is also where he proposed (We're also AP holders so any Disney questions, ask away!) at a small, secret ceremony.

It was a dream come true! This man has given me and my children the world and I couldn't be more grateful! But every relationship has its valleys of course and don't think for a minute we're without our own issues. We've been through more than you could probably imagine, but all that matters is that at the end of the day you remain strong as a couple, and persevere together to make it to the mountain top!

Well anyway, I hope this little introduction has given you an idea of what our family is all about, and what you can expect from my blog. Im hoping to use this page to share recipes (I'm an avid bread baker), homeschool info, my weekly DIY projects, decorating tips, cleaning advice, etc.. Really to just give insight into our life for those who may be interested! Thanks so much for reading and I hope you'll be back for the next post! 
- God bless!

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